Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming... bring you this important newsflash:

My body is fucked.

I'm sorry to have disappeared from the blogosphere for a few days, but things have been rather bad in injury-ville.

My ankle has been giving me trouble, and, while I've been attempting to partially weight-bear at home, I've been using crutches as much as possible. And while I've been going to the gym, I've been doing seated upper body work & light stationary bicycling.

I even took yesterday off. So when my knee started to randomly feel like it was bruising while I was standing (on one leg & supported by crutches) & helping my customers at the Personal Setup table yesterday, I had little cause for concern.

That is, until I sat down to talk with one of the Experts & rolled up my pant leg & saw THIS:


The pain got progressively worse as the day wore on. And when I stood up after elevating the leg through lunch, I nearly screamed from the pain. It got to the point where the process of stabilizing my leg while crutching my way through the mall was enough to start tears streaming down my face. 

Needless to say, I left work early--and, by "left work early," I mean "the business team wheeled me out of the store in a wheelchair." And while I'm infinitely grateful to them, I was embarrassed as hell. 

I drove myself, with my left leg, to the hospital. I sat in the waiting room for two hours, and spent another half hour waiting for a doctor once in the examination room. The diagnosis? Bursitis. The explanation for how I got it while not-weight-bearing at the Personal Setup table, "Um, I don't know." 

The nurse who put the ace bandage & leg immobilizer on me said, "It almost looks like gout. But that's an old man's disease." 

Why is it that all of the healthcare professionals I've interacted with this month sound like a bunch of idiots who don't know what they're talking about? What did I do to deserve shitty health care? 


I'm getting an MRI tomorrow. I didn't work out today. People have been making that "I pity you" face at me all day. I currently hate my life. 

Also, the inflammation has actually gotten worse: 

fuck. me. 

I'm currently icing my leg and contemplating easy home remedies, such as using a steak knife for amputation. 

I give up; I really do. I know I deserve all of these injuries, after the way I treated my body for the last 10 years. But paying the piper sucks, no matter when or how the payment comes up due. 

I miss the gym. 


1 comment:

  1. "Why is it that all of the healthcare professionals I've interacted with this month sound like a bunch of idiots who don't know what they're talking about? What did I do to deserve shitty health care? "

    Hate to say it, but... Yeah, that's why it's called the medical practice. Funny how tech people are expected to know the answers immediately, where as physicians get to test things out. Feel better K!

