Thursday, June 16, 2011

A quickie...

And now for a super-fast post, since I needed to be asleep 30 minutes ago, given my ridiculously early projected wake-up time for tomorrow: 
Bed time? 

Today's workout sucked. With a capital SUCKED. The reason? My stupid ankle. I don't know what I did to it, but it's swollen and it hurts to put pressure on it. So of course I ran a mile and then did a plyometric workout that involved lots of jumping. 

I actually made it through the run thanks only to the fact that I didn't wear my New Balances...I think they're part of the problem. I actually wore the Vibrams, and they definitely made running easier. What I like about the barefooting is that I can have somewhat of a conversation with the ground, and make adjustments to my footing with every step. That, and not dealing with heel strike does wonders for my ankle pain. 

So anyway. 

I did my plyometric workout (see: below), and felt myself getting progressively weaker. It was also getting progressively hotter, so part of my inability to not suck might have to do with the fact that the humidity level was at suffocation and the heat was steadily creeping toward fry-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk. 

To "cool down" after the workout, I took my little dog on an "explore." I'd call it a "walk," but it's more of an exploratory pulling session. (She pulls me for the first half, tires herself out trying to absorb all of the new smells, and then I have to pull her home.)  You see, I've started walking her whenever I'm home from work before sun down or I have a day off. It's super-necessary, since she spends all day sleeping on my bed, and I don't want her to become a "hamburger" again. (My little dog is part dachschund--aka a wiener dog--but when she gets chubby, my sister makes fun of her and calls her a hamburger.) 

Becoming a hamburger...
Anyway...No real news here, other than the fact that I had a completely useless day off in which I accomplished very little of my to do list. Publix, my favorite grocery store on the face of the planet (more about that some other time), had a *MAJOR* fail, and so after visiting not one but TWO different stores I returned home without my extra lean turkey breast & ground chicken breast, both of which I needed in order to get my meals prepped for the upcoming week. 

At least I did get to spend a few moments with my grandparents, who are off to Chicago for a few months....

Okay, off to bed. More substance to come. 


1 mile warm up run ("barefoot.")
Plyo Set 1 (repeat 3x w/ 1 min break):
    Lateral Ski Jumps (1 min)
    Cross Behind Step Up & Over on Bench (1 min)
    Sit up & Squat on Bosu (1 min)
    In & Out Squat Jumps (1 min)
90 s Break
Plyo Set 2 (repeat 3x w/ 1 min break):
    Walking Lunges (1 min, 15 lb dumbbells)
    Single-Leg Squat Thrusts (45 s)
    Spiderman Push Ups (15 s)
    Box Jumps on Step (1 min)


  1. Rest your damn ankle. Don't fuck up your biomechanics due to pain.

  2. hee hee hamburger... Roxy became quite a hamburger before she moved up here...but shes slimming back down cause i've been walking her tooooo! =)
