Monday, September 12, 2011

What a pain in the...back.

This serves me right.

I'm half-sitting here in my local whole foods while I wait for an appropriate time to go to work. I'm leaning mostly on my right side (getting a small amount of compression going, so I can extend the left side as much as possible without lying down), half-sunk underneath the table with my leg extended in front of me. I keep getting shooting pains down my left arm and into my ring finger (though those might just be sympathy pains for all of my crazy friends who decided that 24 was a good age at which to get married). It hurts to put full pressure on my left leg.

In other words, I'm a mess. Again. And I totally deserve it. I'm not cut out for this resistance training thing, apparently. At least not in the traditional meathead, iron pumping, gym rat sense. I get the message, Universe. I'm gonna stick with yoga for now, okay?

Well, not exactly for now. For now, I'm attempting to stay mobile.

I had the last two days off (one, an actual day off; the other, a no-way-around-it sick day). I spent the first day in bed just resting, and so when I woke up yesterday, I was feeling a lot better.

Now, when I have days off from work, I use them to their fullest. Because, as much as I hate to admit this, being healthy is a chore. My food choices--fresh, unprocessed, often produce-based--require massive amounts of prep work if I want to set myself up for meal-planning success during the week.

Because my schedule is unpredictable and requires me to be away from my personal refrigerator or kitchen tools for long periods of time, I have to make sure that all of my meals and snacks for the week have been made in advance. I'll often prep large batches of vegetables, grains (like quinoa or the amazing skillet full of black japonica rice that I made yesterday), and main dishes (like black bean/brown rice/sweet potato burgers or chickpeas and quinoa with tahini sauce) and freeze them for use throughout the week.

The problem with this is that I have to do all of this work in one day--and then clean up afterward.

I spent all of yesterday on my feet, first at the Boy's Farmer's Market, Publix, and Whole Foods (because prices and availability differ between each, so I try to stretch my dollar as far as it will go), and later in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.

By 6 pm, I thought my back was going to give out. I got in bed for a little while to take the pressure off of my back. By 9 pm, I literally couldn't get out of bed. Ask my roommates, and they'll tell you that the noises they heard as I tried to first hoist (and then roll) myself out of bed and then actually put pressure on my left leg were cause for alarm.

Fortunately, a little bit of sleep helped ease some of the pain, and I started off this morning at a 4. But as I've been out and about, being as productive as possible (from making my breakfast juice and then doing the dishes, taking care of my dog, and then running some errands, well, my situation has started to go downhill. We're at a 6 six right now, and I'm hoping that 9 hours on my feet today won't cause any further worsening of the situation (hey, a girl can dream, right?).

I'm so mad at myself, it's not even funny. But at least I've definitely, definitely learned my lesson. No amount of ab definition or glute strength or whatever is worth another week without exercise. I'm sick of "healing." I'm ready for that word to be past tense! to the races.*


*I'll be the girl lying down at the starting line.

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