Before we get into the nitty gritty, here's today's fitness update, brought to you courtesy of celebrity trainer Rachel Cosgrove of Results Fitness.
(A quick aside about Ms. Cosgrove: I stumbled upon her book, The Female Body Breakthrough in June of last year after hearing her husband, trainer Alwyn Cosgrove, speak about it on a fitness podcast. I am a huge fan of her methods for training, since they involve functional movement and progressive unilateral strength & stability training interspersed with plyometrics for power. This is the second time I've gone back to her book for "rehab" after an injury (the first time was my shoulder, the second was my back), since her workouts help retrain proprioception and core stability. I also love that, if I keep my heart rate up and my rest time down, I can not only get in a little bit of cardio while I lift, but I can also get in and out of the gym--from warm up to cool down--in exactly an hour. I am a huge fan--and if I ever make it big in personal training, Results Fitness will be the first place I apply to work.)
Dynamic warm up
Super Set 1: Reverse Woodchop (8x3) & Stability Ball Jackknife
Super Set 2: Step Ups on Bench (8x3) & T-Pushup (4x3)
Super Set 3: Single Leg Squat (8x3) & Alternating Lateral Raise (8x3)
Super Set 4: Supinated Hip Extension with Leg Curl on Stability Ball (8x3) & Inverted Row
Cool Down
My calves hate me. |
Lesson for the day: balancing barefoot is a lot harder than in stability & motion control shoes. Whodathunk?
So my squats and step ups were incredibly wobbly, and definitely not as pretty as I would have liked them to be. But I think that in the long run, doing the "barefoot" thing is going to help me with improving my balance and range of motion for those pesky squats. And I hope so--'cause mine suck right now.
Onto story time:
My little dog and I moved back in with my mother, my then 10 year-old brother, & her 5 dogs in July. She had just sold my car (with my permission, since I hadn't planned on coming home) to help with my sister's college expenses, so I was without wheels or the money to purchase new ones. I spent the entire month going to the gym at 5 am (so I could borrow her car) and then sitting in the house all day, watching iCarly on Nickelodeon and cooking.
My little dog! |
I applied for lots of jobs, all half-heartedly, since I was massively depressed. I acquired wheels after about 6 weeks (which I'll be paying off for a long time to come), as well as a front desk job at The Gym of Boca Raton. That meant that, three days a week, I had to be awake at 4 am to open the gym by 5. Mind you, I was still working out too hard and eating too little. I had also tweaked my shoulder & was working through the pain instead of letting it rest.
Women would come up to me in the gym and ask me how I got to look so amazing. Men would stare. I had people telling me I should become a model. I was dropping below 120, 118, 115...
I was convinced I was going to do a bikini competition with the NPC before September.
Then I saw a doctor. By this point, I was 112.5 pounds. I was diagnosed with secondary amenorrhea (I'll let you look that up, I don't want to explain it here for those who might be squeamish about women's issues), bradycardia, and ostepenia. All very fun things to have happening inside one's body. I left the doctor's office and ate a whole sub, with cheese and bread and everything. I felt sick the rest of the day.
In early September, I was hired by an amazing company. I started my training on the 22nd, and, I hate to say it, but the job might be what saved me. I had to leave the gym, since I couldn't do 4 am-10 pm days and still be expected to function like a human being, but it didn't matter, since I had a job that actually offered me hope for a future.
In April I moved out of my mom's house and into a house with my little dog, two of my coworkers, and my coworker's big, goofy, adorable dog. It's a little ridiculous, but it's my life so there's that.
So that's where I'm at now. Well, that, and I'm also at 137 lbs, with a metabolism that hates me for fucking with it so much, but I'm working on fixing that part.
Anyway. That's my story.
Gotta run to work now...
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